• 光吉俊二, 徳野慎一, 田中靖人: 音声感情認識技術ST を使ったストレスへの応用. 日本疲労学会誌, 6(2): 45-53, 2011.

  • 酒造正樹, 山本泰史, 志村誠, 門間史晃, 光吉俊二, 山田一郎: 情動・感情判別のための自然発話音声データベースの構築. 情報処理学会論文誌, 52(3): 1185-1194, 2011.

  • Chiemi Kawanishi, Kyoko Osaka, Tetsuya Tanioka, Rozzano C Locsin, Toshiko Tada, Shuichi Ueno, Fuji Ren, Kazuyuki Matumoto and Shunji Mitsuyoshi: Establishing Methods and Analytical Examples for Empathic Understanding As Technological Competency in Nursing. Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 10(2): 253-262, 2007.

  • Shunji Mitsuyoshi, Fuji Ren, Yasuto Tanaka and Shingo Kuroiwa: Non-verbal Voice Emotion Analysis System. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2(4): 819-830, 2006.

  • Koichi Shibasaki and Shunji Mitsuyoshi: Evaluation of Emotion Recognition from Intonation Evaluation of Sensibility Technology and Human Emotion Recognition. IEICE Technical Report, 105(291): 45-50, 2005.

  • 光吉俊二, 任福継: 人間の感情を測定する. 電気学会誌, 125(10): 641-644, 2005.

  • Shunji Mitsuyoshi and Fuji Ren: Language-Independent Computer Emotion Recognition. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 417-422, 2005.

  • Fuji Ren, Shunji Mitsuyoshi, Kang Yen, Chengqing Zong and Hongbing Zhu: An Estimate Method of the Minimum Entropy of Natural Languages. CIC Journal Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Vol. 2588, 382-392, 2003.

  • Fuji Ren and Shunji Mitsuyoshi: To Understand and Create the Emotion and Sensitivity. International Journal of Information, Vol.6, No.5, 547-556, 2003.

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